
Our team is able to work in every stage of the production process from installation to production.
We grant our collaboration to the more importants Manufactures of Bottling and Packaging Machines at Global Scale.

  • Mecanical Installation
  • Electrical Installation
  • Installation of Complete Production Lines
  • Mecanical Start Up
  • Electronic Start Up
  • Complete Production Lines Trial
  • Ordinary Manteinance
  • Unscheduled Maintenance
  • Production Assistance

Mecanical & Electrical


Complete Production Lines

SG Project may also offer, under customers sequest, closed quote for the activity that has to be done, usually called “packet job ” or “body contract”.

Start Up & Trial/h6>

Our Specialized Technicians

With our mechanics, electricians, and electronic technicians

we start all the production line.

Service & Manteinance


Ordinary Manteinance e Service for industrial implants

Production Assistance

SG Project's proposal

After testing a machine or an Entire Production Line, we offer customers production assistance, in order to follow and train the personnel on site, to ensure an optimal informations transfer with the operators to make them autonomous quickly.


SG Project S.r.l.

Headquarter Via Venezia, 142 – 54033 Marina di Carrara (MS)

VAT IT01410540452

Entered in the Register of Companies of Massa Carrara at N. 01410540452

REA N° MS – 138822

Share capital Euro 100.000,00, paid up Euro 77.500,00



Mobile +39 345 2845535

Ph +39 0585 1694581

In Italy we have our Main Field Office along with the Marketing and Accountants Offices

From there we set all the logistics (air tickets, visas, car rent, hotel booking, etc).
We are open 24/7 to gurantee assistance to customers and Technicians, always.

Where we are
We conduct our activities all over the world